• Poor Credit Considered
  • Low rates available
  • New Starts Welcome

Your Premier Choice for Tailored
Taxi Financing in the UK
Who We Are

BlackCab Finance

With a strong foundation of 25 years of experience, we are dedicated to providing you with the ideal financial solutions for your taxi business. Our focus on excellence and understanding of the unique demands of the taxi market set us apart as your go-to source for hassle-free financing.

Our services

How it works


Calculate Your Budget

Embark on your taxi financing journey by using our intuitive calculator to estimate your budget. This crucial step helps you determine the amount you can comfortably invest, ensuring your financial stability throughout the process.


Apply for a Loan

Simplify your application process with our user-friendly form. As industry veterans, we comprehend the value of your time, which is why our application is designed for efficiency. Once submitted, our team of experts will promptly review your details and get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.


Select Your Ideal Taxi

Delve into our diverse selection of taxis, each curated to cater to the dynamic needs of the taxi profession. From fuel efficiency to spaciousness, we understand what matters most to taxi drivers. Choose the vehicle that aligns with your requirements and budget, setting the stage for your taxi venture’s success.


Agreement and Payout

Prioritizing your safety and satisfaction, we subject every chosen taxi to a rigorous inspection process. Our thorough evaluation ensures that your taxi meets the highest quality standards, guaranteeing a reliable and secure investment.

Upon your taxi’s approval, it’s time to finalize the agreement and gear up for payout. Our seamless documentation process ensures you’re equipped with the necessary funds to embark on your taxi driving journey with confidence.

Our Funding

Select Your Ideal Taxi

Delve into our diverse selection of taxis, each curated to cater to the dynamic needs of the taxi profession. From fuel efficiency to spaciousness, we understand what matters most to taxi drivers. Choose the vehicle that aligns with your requirements and budget, setting the stage for your taxi venture’s success.



Check your budget using the simple calculator below. 
Apply for a quick decision.